During 2024, the following improvements were made to the Course:
Hole 11 was substantially redesigned and moved to higher and dryer ground
Wood chips were, for the first time, added to the wettest paths and basket areas and the practice area
Dozens of dead trees were cut down and removed
Hole 9 was substantially redesigned to increase its separation from neighboring holes
Wooden walkways and bridges were added to Hole 8, Hole 9, Hole 11, the path to Hole 15, and Hole 16
The large bridge formerly between Holes 8 and 9 was moved to be a dedicated bridge for Hole 9
The rough on the left side of Hole 4 was cleared out
The White Tees of Holes 7 and 10 were moved
The Blue Tee of Hole 3 was moved
A practice throwing net with a paver tee was added to the warmup area
Hole 5 was extended and turned into a par 4
Old Holes 3, 4 and 8 were replaced with new Holes 2, 6 and 16 and the flow of the course was improved
The picnic table by the warmup areas was replaced with a new table
Turf tee pads were installed on the Blue Tees of Holes 1, 6, 8, 14, 15, 17 and 18
Wooden benches were installed by the tees of Holes 8, 10, 14, 15 and 18