During 2023, the following improvements were made to the Course:
Red (short) tees were added to all holes.
Basket flags were installed on all baskets.
"Next Hole" directional arrows were added to all baskets.
Short, 8-hole loop layouts for the blue, white and red tees were added to UDisc.
The old cement bucket and pipe hole signs were replaced with new, more accurate hole signs on wooden stakes.
The lower half of the fairway of Hole 1 was substantially widened.
The worst of the thorny bushes were removed from the rough, including the rough on the right side of 5, the left side of 6, the right side of 8, both sides of 9, the right side of 10, the left side of 13, and the right side of 14.
A bridge was installed over the gully on Hole 6.
A path was created so that players can get from the basket of Hole 7 to the tee of Hole 8 without walking partially back up the fairway of Hole 7.
A path was created so that players can walk to the basket of Hole 10 without going onto the fairway of Hole 11.
A path was created so that players can walk to the blue tee of Hole 12 without crossing through the basket area of Hole 9.
An additional wooden walkway was added to the path from Hole 16 to Hole 17.
A new path was created so that players can walk from Hole 17 to Hole 18 without crossing the fairway of Hole 7.