Hole rating: 3.8
Hole rank: 8
Lacks clean RHBH line to basket; 90% of drives hit a tree (Chase)
Good starting hole, throw RBH OR RFH (Tim)
Challenge is to throw straight at basket (Mickey)
Challenging first shot of the round, used to lose a lot of discs but it has been a while (Jeff)
Fun starting hole downhill. Middle of the road hole for the course (James M)
Decent starting hole, left side line is clear, right side line needs better definition or to get lucky to land close to basket (David)
A little swampy before the green (Kyle)
Downhill, couple of lines, speed control needed (Trevor)
Two comments (Chase and David) mentioned lack of line on right side. Do we want to see if a clearer line can be created on the right side by cutting down a small tree or two? UPDATE: Based on a quick look, I don't think there are any small trees whose removal would create a clearer line on the right side
On comment (Kyle) mentioned the swampiness 2/3 down. I'm not sure what we can do about that (chips, walkway?). Was never an issue in prior years.