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Hole 10

View from Blue Tee

View from White Tee

View from Basket Back Up Fairway

View from Blue Tee
Blue Tee
Par: 3
Dist: 294 feet
Elev: -24 feet
White Tee
Par: 3
Dist: 237 feet
Elev: -18 feet
Red Tee
Par: 3
Dist: 140 feet
Elev: -9 feet
Description: Hole 10 is a straight, downhill hole. From the Blue Tee, the hole starts with a drive through a 5-yard wide gap about 20 yards from the tee. After the gap (or from the White Tee), you must clear a swamp, and a small ridge on the other side of a swamp. After the ridge (or from the Red Tee), numerous trees result in only narrow lines to the basket.
History: Hole 10 was created in 2020. In 2022, the brambles were removed from the right side of the fairway, making the hole much friendlier to play.
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